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Swing Sensations Tour in April - Starring BBC TVs Come dancing singer Patti Ross

Swing Sensations

Fabulous Swing, Jazz and Big Band Sounds with a Nostalgic twist!

This unique tour will bring together the fabulous Patti Ross, Darren Jones and Jukebox Legends

Patti was the singer with the Andy Ross band on BBC TVs Come Dancing programme and Darren is an International swing music star. This combination, with support by Big Band singer Fiona McLean and Peter Day (both of Jukebox Legends) brings together a fabulous collection of music that will be great for everyone!

If you enjoy swing, big band, ballroom and jazz style music - You will LOVE this!!! or call 695135134 for more details.

Shows dates & venues (all shows start at 8.30pm and end at 11.15pm):

Tuesday 2nd - La Marina Sport Complex 966796389

Wednesday 3rd - The Club, Quesada 966717028

Friday 5th - Bar San Miguel, Cooperativa Murla, Xalo Valley 633076588 **

Sunday 7th - The Rendezvous, Campoamor (nr La Fuente Centre)

(Tickets for this show are 10€ and include buffet 608467597

Monday 8th - Emerald Isle, La Florida 965327138 **

Tuesday 9th - The Club House, Camposol Golf 968978855

Wednesday 10th - Costa Narejos Hotel, Los Alcazares 965400188

Thursday 11th - Rocajuna, Punta Prima 664591795 / 965997260

** These shows have a major feature on Darren Jones, Fiona McLean and Jukebox Legends and do not have Patti Ross as she is unable to appear on these dates

Tickets are 8.50€ (unless stated) and available at the venues NOW! Alternatively, you can book online at This website will also give you further show information or call 695135134

Please book early for this unique tour. Don't be disappointed - Tickets are limited at all venues!!

This is a fund raising tour for Help at Home (CB), RBL and MABS.

Its a shame they are not appearing at the hillside bar La Marina, fantastic place for entertainment

Commented davieselz in La Marina 2013-03-19 22:16:10 UTC

Jukebox Legends do appear at Hillside several times each year and have done for a while!! Our tour events do need a slightly bigger room and layout and La Marina Sport Complex is good for that. It's also a fantastic place for entertainment (especially each month at the Jukebox Promotions events)!!!! Get your tickets if you like that style of music - You won't be disappointed!!!!